Unlimited calling & texting with a free local phone number!
Local US or Canada Phone number
Give your friends your very own phone number they can call!
Unlimited Text & Picture Messaging
You can send as many text messages as you want to US & Canada - FREE!
Unlimited Calling to USA and Canada
Make unlimited free phone calls to any phone number in the US & Canada!
Cheap International Calling
TextNow offers low-cost, international calling to over 230 countries. Stay connected longer with rates starting at less than $0.01 per minute. Add money or earn free money by completing offers to your account and make low-cost international calls.
- Make and receive voice calls
- Emojis, stickers and gifs
- Full picture messaging : send, receive and save pictures!
- Video messaging: Send videos to your friends and family
- Voicemail Transcription: transcript of your voicemail
- Caller ID
- PassCode: keep your messages under lock and key
- Google SmartLock: no need to remember your password
- Call Forwarding
- Conference calling
- Signatures: add your own personalized signature to each text
- Customizable text-tone, ringtone & vibration
- Customizable backgrounds
- Assign individual contacts their own ringtone & background
- Quick Reply to easily (and quickly) respond to friends
- Home screen widget to launch TextNow, compose a new message or quickly make a call
- Unified inbox: send and receive your texts, SMS and GIFs directly via TextNow - use TextNow as your one-stop SMS texting app!
- One number, multiple devices – Send messages and make calls on your computer or tablet, then access them from your phone while on the go.
- TextNow.com - text from your computer too! All messages seamlessly synchronize with your mobile device.
- Turn your Wi-Fi enabled tablets into a phone.
- Elastic calling to protect you from dropped calls. Elastic calling is TextNow’s unique ability to have our calls choose the best possible route for your call to improve quality
Is it really free?
There is no catch. No yearly or monthly fees! It is completely free! Download today and start sending and receiving your unlimited texts, pics, videos, and SMS messages.
How can all this be free?
The app comes with a few ads. If you don't like ads, you can purchase a subscription to remove them. Join the 100 million people who have already found a better way to talk & text free.
People who love TextNow
"Amazing free text and calling for my business. I love the fact that I can forward my phone calls straight to my cell phone without giving out my personal phone number. I am in love with textnow because I never miss a phone call. This app is amazing especially for business." 5/5 star rating -- Magen Rhodes
"Hands down, the best free WiFi text/call app for Android! #1" 5/5 star rating -- Shauna L

“TextNow comes through when other apps don't!” 5/5 star rating -- Robin Pattin 

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Updated on May 16, 2019

Download Size 34M

Offered by TextNow, Inc. # GamusEra, Inc.

Downloads 10,000,000+

App Permissions  See More


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Ans. Chrome displays this message for every .apk file that you download. This is just an warning message, you should ignore it, just download as my website is Google Play Protected.

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