As we are moving ahead, technology is evolving at a very high-pace! The Highest resolution Camera sensor to date i.e. 108 MP is not in any DSLR but in Smartphones, Self-driving cars are in tests, even 5G connectivity is about to hit the market! So, Isn’t Technology cool? Well, it is, but the question is “how safe it is regarding privacy concerns ?” Previously we’ve seen many Cyberattacks hitting Tech-Giants and exposing data of Millions of users! Well, IT firms, local businesses, Government Sites, etc. are commonly attacked, but there are a few things which were never hacked, but now it’s their time! So let’s see the Top 10 things that will be hacked for the first time!

1. Spacecraft: With many private agencies getting into the space race, even Elon Musk’s SpaceX, We have a clear idea about many vulnerabilities that are about to be noticed by individual hackers giving a try to hack into it. Even many Governments may also try to gain unauthorized access into such private space crafts as they might think other governments will too to be doing that.  

• 2. Smart Cities: As we develop more IoT stuff, it’s no doubt smart cities will also be a reality. Imagine today, we have already seen many things getting hacked, and what if the smart City itself gets vulnerable to such attacks? Many may try to just hack to prank on people but there is much probability of terrorists also doing so! This might always keep some people in fear and we may live in a place where there’s always a chance of getting into trouble! 

• 3. Government Census: Eventually, the Government will conduct it’s Census online or store Census Data in a vulnerable place. And it will be an opportunity for some hackers to hack into the systems and change the data. If this happens, the government will enact policies based on the wrong data ending up harming the whole country in the long run. Even if we talk about India, the Aadhar data, which is one of the most trusted sources of people’s identity, may get breached by hackers. And all this because of some hackers wanting 15 seconds of fame!

• 4. Wearable Gadgets: As we want to save time and get productive at other things, wearable gadgets help us to do so. But What will a hacker get by hacking a wearable gadget though? Let’s assume you wear a smartwatch and it’s already been hacked by a hacker. You then go to shopping malls, etc and pay using credit/debit cards. For your knowledge, the microphone in the watch may actually record the sound of buttons while you input the password, and it already possible to recreate the password from just the sound produced while entering your credit card password, leading you to financial loss.  

• 5. Contact Lenses: We may soon have smart contact lenses that may record or capture our precious moments, making us relive them any time. We may also have AR Technology or Augmented Technology to play games and do other cool stuff too. And this is going to be a reality very soon. But then they become another target for hackers to get personal information or just display random things on the lenses. 

• 6. Self Driving Vehicles: We all are excited for self-driving cars where no matter you’ve eyes on the road or not, the vehicle will automatically steer itself. While their system may be much complicated, it’s still vulnerable to attacks. Any hacker if successfully entered the system, may drive you to the wrong destination or even murder by causing horrific accidents.  

• 7. Smart Clothes: We spoke of smartwatches already, smart Clothes are going to be fun to hack! If the clothes are color-changing, we can expect a hacker displaying a “Kick me” sign on your back or even uncensored images. Before realizing this, many people may have already seen those images on your clothes. 

• 8. Military Laser/Energy Weapons: Every country wants high-end military weapons to be always protected against unexpected attacks and wars. Thus an increase in Research and development of Energy Weapons across the world’s top military forces, making themselves the target. And as many energy weapons are about to be deployed in space, they will surely have a computer-based system for connecting and controlling remotely from Earth, making them more vulnerable to get hacked.

• 9. Artificial General Intelligence: Let’s say we actually build a A.I. based General for the sake of good to humans which may really help us. But then what if some hackers get into the system and change the programming. The scene of many sci-fi movies would turn into reality, and if your have seen terminator series, we may probably face Skynet.

• 10. A Robotic Surgery: For a long time we’ve been listening that in near future robots will work with or replace surgeons. This is because they are supposed to have more accuracy. We’ve also seen Artificial Intelligence predicting Skin Cancer more accurately than actual doctors. It’s no wonder that A.I. based robots will be at work in hospitals soon. But being a programmed machine, they are more vulnerable to be hacked. Suppose in an ongoing Operation/surgery the robot is hacked and reprogrammed to not save a life instead of saving, or deleting the algorithms to perform surgery! Who will be responsible?

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