A new feature that could give users knowledge about the state of their device's battery may be supported by Android 14 when it releases. New application programming interfaces (APIs) discovered in the most recent Android 14 beta could display information about the battery's condition, the phone's manufacturing date, the time it was first used, how many charging cycles have been finished, and the charging policy. Before the anticipated debut of battery health monitoring tools with the release of Android 14 later this year, third party apps can access some of the statistics since these are provided using APIs.


On the most recent Android 14 beta, Mishaal Rahman of Esper noticed the new BatteryManager APIs. Two of these APIs, which monitor battery charge cycles and the battery's charging status, are open to the public, allowing third-party apps access. But only system apps can access information like charging policy, health status, and charging policy.

Since a few years ago, battery health monitoring applications have been available on the Play Store; they include AccuBattery and BatteryGuru, which provide battery health estimates without the need for any APIs. Since iOS 11.3, iPhone customers have had access to a tool that lets them check the health of their battery.

According to Rahman, you must grant the BATTERY_STATS Android permission to a third-party app in order for it to have access to these system APIs. You can grant this permission using a USB cord and a command-line interface.

Even though Android 14 won't launch for another few months, developer Narek (Twitter: @narektor) has already released an open-source programme that can access these details from the system and public APIs. The open-source Batt app is available for download from GitLab if your Pixel smartphone is running Android 14 Beta 2.

You should not rely on these specifics until Android 14 is launched later this year because the app is only a proof-of-concept. Rahman further notes that in Android 14, programmes like Tasker will add support for automation based on battery statistics provided by the device. The need for third party apps to provide similar functionality may diminish if Google introduces an integrated mechanism similar to iOS to provide battery health statistics.  

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